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Tree Pruning can be a wild business!

It’s not unusual for a Tree Surgeon to be given a nickname, quite often involving the term ‘monkey’ or ‘tree monkey’…they’re regularly accused of monkeying around in trees!

However, for our most recent job, pruning trees at a local forest has indeed been watched over by some real monkeys (technically, they are Barbary Macaques) and they soon showed us who’s the best at climbing!

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Street trees in holiday photos!

Apologies to those who follow our posts avidly….we’ve been on holiday!

However, as many of you will know, this isn’t just a job for us – we are nuts about trees, so here’s a few we spotted in the streets whilst we were flip-flopping our way around the Greek island of Paros!:

We’ll be back onto a more serious topic in the next blog, but hope you enjoyed this sunny diversion?!

Back to school…

We’re almost at the end of the summer holidays, soon they’ll be going back to school, no doubt you’ve been away and are now spending the last few weeks entertaining the kids around the house and spending some time in your garden? Are they playing around in your trees and do you know if they’re safe?

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